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NEWS16 Apr 2024News

EURAXESS project ERA TALENT Platform Webinar on “Open science and IPR”


EURAXESS project ERA TALENT Platform

Webinar on “Open science and IPR”

ONLINE session: Join the meeting now


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  1. April 2024- 10:00-12:30 C.E.T.



  • Increase awareness of the researchers’ community at European and global level about the different aspects of Open Science (OS), enabling them to understand OS main objectives for better and easier diffusion of knowledge and international collaboration;
  • Enable researchers at European and global level to get deeper insight into elements of OS and gain practical experience in the implementation of the OS principles, through real-life examples and exercises;
  • Stimulate researchers’ transferable skills on how to protect the intellectual rights in the era of open science.



Prof.  Miroslav Trajanovic, University of Nis, Mechanical Engineering Faculty –Nis, Serbia

Prof.  Nikola Korunovic, University of Nis, Mechanical Engineering Faculty –Nis, Serbia


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program-euraxess-Open_science_2023_04_24 v2_2_0.pdf
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